If you’re planning a long-haul flight, you’re probably wondering what to pack in your carry-on. After all, you’ll be spending several hours on a plane, and you want to make sure you have everything you need to stay comfortable and entertained. In this article, we’ll share some carry-on essentials for long flights that will help you pass the time and arrive at your destination feeling fresh and relaxed.

First and foremost, it’s important to pack a few items that will help you get some rest on the plane. A travel pillow and a lightweight blanket can make all the difference when it comes to getting some shut-eye. You might also want to consider earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones to block out any unwanted noise.

In addition to sleep aids, you’ll also want to pack some entertainment options to keep you occupied during the flight. This might include a good book, a tablet loaded with movies and TV shows, or a portable gaming device. We’ll go into more detail about the best entertainment options for long flights in the next section.

Carry On Essentials for Long Flights

Comfort and Convenience

When you’re on a long flight, comfort and convenience are key. You want to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible so you can relax and sleep, and you want to have everything you need within easy reach. Here are some essential items to pack in your carry-on for maximum comfort and convenience.

Travel Pillow

A travel pillow is a must-have for any long flight. It can help you get some much-needed rest and prevent neck pain. Look for a pillow that is compact and easy to pack, but still provides enough support. Memory foam pillows are a popular choice because they conform to your neck and head for maximum comfort. This article provides a list of long-haul flight essentials, including a travel pillow.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Noise-cancelling headphones are a game-changer for long flights. They can help block out the sound of the airplane engine and other passengers, allowing you to relax and sleep more easily. Look for headphones that are comfortable to wear for long periods of time and have good sound quality. This article has a detailed description of long flight carry-on essentials, including noise-cancelling headphones.

Eye Mask

An eye mask is another essential item for getting some rest on a long flight. It can help block out light and create a more sleep-friendly environment. Look for a mask that is comfortable to wear and blocks out light effectively. Some masks even come with cooling gel inserts to soothe tired eyes. This article provides a list of carry-on essentials for long flights, including an eye mask.

By packing these essential items in your carry-on, you’ll be able to stay comfortable and relaxed on even the longest of flights.


Long flights can be boring and uncomfortable, but bringing the right entertainment can make all the difference. Here are some carry on essentials to keep you entertained during your flight.

E-Reader or Book

Bringing an e-reader or a book is a great way to pass the time during a long flight. E-readers are lightweight and can hold thousands of books, making them a convenient choice for book lovers. If you prefer a physical book, choose a paperback or a lightweight hardcover to save space in your carry on.

Offline Downloaded Content

If you prefer to watch movies or TV shows during your flight, make sure to download them onto your device beforehand. Most airlines offer in-flight entertainment, but it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan in case the selection is limited or the system malfunctions. You can also download podcasts, audiobooks, or music to keep you entertained throughout the flight.

Here are some tips for downloading content before your flight:

  • Make sure to download everything onto your device before you leave home. Most airlines do not offer Wi-Fi on long-haul flights, and even if they do, the connection can be slow and unreliable.
  • Check the storage capacity of your device and make sure you have enough space to download everything you want to watch or listen to.
  • If you’re traveling with a companion, consider sharing a device and headphones to save space in your carry on.

By bringing these entertainment essentials, you can make your long flight much more enjoyable and comfortable.

Health and Hygiene

When flying on a long haul flight, it is important to prioritize health and hygiene. Here are some carry-on essentials that can help you stay clean and healthy during your journey.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is a must-have item in your carry-on bag. You can use it to clean your hands before eating, after using the restroom, and after touching surfaces like armrests and tray tables. Choose a travel size hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. You can keep it in a clear pouch for easy access during security checks.

Facial Wipes

Facial wipes are another essential item to pack in your carry-on bag. They can help you freshen up during a long flight and remove dirt and oil from your face. Look for wipes that are gentle on the skin and do not contain alcohol or harsh chemicals. You can also use them to wipe down your seat area, especially if you are traveling during flu season.

Compression Socks

Compression socks are a great way to prevent swelling and improve blood circulation during a long flight. They can also help reduce the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Choose a pair that fits well and provides enough compression. You can wear them during the flight and take them off when you arrive at your destination.

Remember to pack these carry-on essentials for a healthy and hygienic journey.

Snacks and Hydration

Long flights can be dehydrating and leave you feeling hungry. To avoid this, it’s important to pack snacks and a water bottle in your carry-on bag.

Water Bottle

Bringing a reusable water bottle is a great way to stay hydrated throughout your flight. Most airports have water fountains or refill stations where you can fill up your bottle before boarding. Plus, having a water bottle on hand means you won’t have to wait for the flight attendant to bring you a drink.

Consider investing in a lightweight and durable water bottle that can withstand travel. Stainless steel and BPA-free plastic are great options. Look for a bottle with a wide mouth for easy filling and cleaning.

Healthy Snacks

Packing healthy snacks can help you avoid the high-calorie, low-nutrient options offered on the plane. Some great options include:

  • Fresh fruit, like apples or bananas
  • Raw veggies, like carrots or celery
  • Trail mix or nuts
  • Energy bars or protein bars
  • Rice cakes or whole grain crackers

Avoid packing snacks that are high in sugar or salt, as these can dehydrate you and leave you feeling sluggish. Also, keep in mind that some countries have restrictions on what food items can be brought in, so make sure to check before packing.

By packing a water bottle and healthy snacks, you can stay hydrated and fueled throughout your long flight.

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